Pottery Place Plus is interested in adding new members who create top quality original art and handmade craftwork.
Our local customer traffic has increased considerably in 2021, to the point where monthly member sales at PPP have equaled or exceeded sales in 2019 (pre-Covid!). As Spokane opens up again, with tourists & conventions returning to town, we look forward to a significant boost in artists income. Plus we expect our on-line store business to continue to grow.
There are many benefits that Pottery Place Plus provides to members: a web presence, social media marketing, year-round venue for your art, on-line sales presence, and training in learning new business skills, just to name a few. Click the link below to read & download our application (as a pdf), and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch!
PPP is the longest continually operating art co-op in the entire Northwest (having started in 1978) and thus the oldest of all the Spokane art galleries. Our gallery is located in the Liberty Building at 203 North Washington Street, next to Auntie's Bookstore and across from the Davenport Grand Hotel ~ the shop phone number is: 509-327-6920 ... we look forward to hearing from you!